15 truths things about yogurt (yoghurt)

15 truths things about yogurt (yoghurt)

The more sour the yogurt, the more nutritious? How terrible is the thickener in yogurt? Can you drink light yellow water on the surface of yogurt? ...you who love to drink yogurt have been troubled by these problems.

1. What are the advantages of yogurt and milk? A: The raw materials for yogurt are milk, sucrose and lactic acid bacteria starter. Yogurt not only preserves all the nutrients in milk, but because it is fermented, nutrients are more easily digested and absorbed by the body, so it plays a better role in promoting growth and improving nutrition than milk.
2. Does yoghurt also have calcium supplementation effect? A: Lactic acid bacteria break down the lactose in milk into lactic acid, which reduces the lactose content, but retains other nutrients in the milk. Therefore, the yogurt still has the effect of supplementing calcium. In fact, the absorption rate of calcium in yogurt is not lower than that in milk, because lactic acid can promote the absorption of various minerals such as calcium. In addition, there are peptides such as CPP produced by protein decomposition in yogurt, which can also promote calcium absorption. .
3. Drink milk diarrhea, can you drink yogurt? A: Lactose in milk is the "murderer" that causes diarrhea in milk. During the yoghurt fermentation process, the lactose portion becomes lactic acid and other organic acids, reducing the problem of "lactose intolerance"; the lactic acid bacteria itself also produce a large amount of "lactase" to help the body digest lactose. Therefore, even people who drink milk and diarrhea can drink yogurt.

4. The more sour yogurt, the better the nutrition? A: The acidity source of yoghurt is the lactic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria using lactose metabolism, which is related to the strain of the fermenting agent and the fermentation time. Among the Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus that must be used to make yogurt, if the bacillus predominates, the acidity will be strong, but this does not mean that the quality of the yoghurt is better.

5. Is the nutritional value of fruit yoghurt better? A: Many of the fruit ingredients in the market's fruit yoghurt come from the addition of jam. The jam is cooked at a high temperature and is no longer comparable to the nutritional value of fresh fruit. Even if it is a real fruit, because the shelf life of the yogurt is 21 days, the fruit value of the three-week fruit will be reduced, and the rich flavor may come from the fruit flavor. Safety

6. Is the thickener in yogurt harmful to the human body? A: Most of the yogurt has thickeners. There are many kinds of thickeners, including modified starch, pectin, xanthan gum, edible gelatin, etc. They can not be digested and absorbed by the human body. They are insoluble dietary fiber, which is not only non-toxic and harmless. It will not cause "blood stickiness", but also help to delay the blood sugar and blood lipids rising rate after meals. It is a beneficial ingredient for preventing chronic diseases. The safety of thickeners is generally very high, so there is no limit on the amount of food used in many foods. The amount of yogurt used is also in line with the "Standards for the Use of Food Additives".

7. After putting the refrigerator, there is light yellow water on the surface of the yogurt. Can you drink it? A: These pale yellow waters are “whey.” When making cheese, 80% of the casein protein in milk protein forms a freeze or clot, and the rest of the protein will flow out along with the whey. If you do not add thickener when making yogurt, after a period of time, some whey will be precipitated. Such yoghurt can be safely consumed. The whey protein added in foods such as whey protein powder products is from this liquid. Extracted. drink

8. How much yogurt is suitable for every day? A: The Nutrition Society recommends 300 grams of milk per day. It is probably a cup of disposable paper cups plus 1 small box of yogurt (about 100 grams). Adults are advised not to drink more than 400 grams of yogurt unless they are pregnant, lactating or developing adolescents. In principle, milk and yoghurt can be replaced in equal amounts. For teenagers, a cup of yogurt in the morning and evening, or a cup of milk in the morning, a cup of yogurt in the evening is ideal.

9. When is it better to drink yogurt? A: No time. Excessive stomach acid to avoid drinking before meals; fasting yogurt to promote bowel movements, constipation is suitable, diarrhea is not suitable; other people can drink before and after meals. But don't come back with a large bottle of yogurt after a very good dinner, because it adds extra energy. If you want to drink yogurt after dinner, you should reduce the dinner accordingly, otherwise it will cause obesity.
10. Can yogurt be heated in a microwave oven? A: If the stomach can not accept cold drinks, you can use the microwave to heat the yogurt, but you need to pay attention to the choice of mid-range firepower, you can heat to normal temperature (25 ° C) in about half a minute. If the heating time is too long or the firepower is too large, in addition to continuing to kill the lactic acid bacteria, the yogurt will become thin and the taste will be deteriorated. The heated yoghurt should be consumed as soon as possible to avoid deterioration during prolonged periods of time. Taboo

11. Can diabetics drink yogurt? A: Studies have shown that drinking yogurt is good for preventing diabetes. People with diabetes can drink half a catty of sugar-free yogurt every day, worrying about blood fat can drink low-fat yogurt. Yogurt is rich in calcium, which regulates the balance of calcium ions in the inner and outer calcium pools of islet beta cells, ensuring the normal release of insulin. In addition, yogurt has a low blood sugar response, and it can be eaten together with cereals to reduce the blood sugar response of mixed foods and facilitate the control of blood sugar.

12. Are hypertensive patients and cerebral infarctions suitable for drinking yogurt? A: Domestic and foreign studies have shown that proper intake of dairy products is conducive to the prevention and control of high blood pressure, low-fat dairy products and fermented dairy products are conducive to the prevention and control of stroke. In fact, yogurt is more positive than the health of milk. Even if no live bacteria can reach the large intestine, the nutrients are very beneficial for controlling blood pressure. People with arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure are suitable for drinking yogurt.

13. Can you drink yogurt during the medication period? A: Most relevant scholars believe that taking antibiotics can cause disturbances in the intestinal flora, and it will also reduce immunity. It is also necessary to take yogurt regularly to adjust the balance of the flora and protect the body's resistance. After stopping the drug, continue to drink yogurt for a period of time, can greatly reduce the side effects of antibiotics, restore the normal flora balance of the human body. Taking vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can be taken with yogurt. Yogurt contains fat, sugar and protein components that protect nutrients and promote absorption. It should be noted that other drugs are not available for yoghurt delivery, especially for drugs containing heavy metals and drugs containing alkaline substances. Pick

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14. "Yogurt", "acid buttermilk", "milk yogurt", "lactic acid bacteria drink", "sour milk drink", etc. Who is the real yogurt? A: When purchasing yogurt, first pay attention to the instructions on the package, select the product with protein content ≥2.3%, the content is sticky or frozen, you can basically conclude that it belongs to yogurt. Other products are liquid, but the content is relatively thin, the protein content is ≥1.0%. These products are made of milk with water, sugar, flavor, sour agent or starter, called yogurt drink or lactic acid bacteria drink. Can not be called yogurt, no additional benefits to the human body. Need to be reminded that some yoghurt protein and fat content is much higher than ordinary yoghurt, mostly because of the addition of cream and whey protein, its calorie is high, people who need to control the weight carefully buy.

15. Long-term yoghurt must have been heated and killed, and the lactic acid bacteria must have died. In general, chilled yoghurts contain live bacteria. Of course, sterilized yoghurt also has a certain nutritional value, but the health value will be discounted. In comparison, yoghurt with a large number of live bacteria is more recommended.
